Operator Guide
DocuTech 65/DocuPrint 65
Figure 2-6. Jam clearance areas
Area 1
Sheets may be left in this area when jams occur.
Area 2
The Lift Handle: The printer is programmed to circulate paper to this area in
the event of a jam. Raise the handle to clear this area. Do not move the
handle to the left. Ensure that the handle is fully locked by lowering it before
closing the Front Door or the handle may be blocked or damaged.
Area 3
The Fuser area: This area includes areas 3b, 3c, and 3d. Access these areas
by pulling the green handle.
Area 3a
Look beneath the label to find the sheet. Do not push down or lift up on the
Area 3e
Open the top 2 trays to access this area. Look for dropped sheets in the areas
to the right of and below Trays 3 and 4.
Area 4
The Duplex area: Look for sheets on top of the open space.