W O R K C E N T R E 4 1 5 0 E VA L U AT O R G U I D E
The WorkCentre 4150 MFP has been engineered to minimize user interventions and downtime. One clear
example – SMart Kit™ technology is built in to predict and prevent system downtime. The WorkCentre 4150
constantly monitors itself and communicates to users and administrators through the front panel interface,
bi-directional print drivers, email alerts, CentreWare Web and CentreWare IS to alert if a potential failure
is going to occur. Customers can simply order a new SMart Kit drum or toner cartridge and it is delivered
directly to their office. Simply replace the SMart Kit drum and you have avoided costly downtime without
the need for a service call.
Integration with Xerox SMart eSolutions offers hands-free, hassle-free, and secure administration of
automatic meter reads and supply replenishment for Xerox devices – further easing the chore of managing
supplies for the WorkCentre 4150 MFP.
Building on the reliability that is engineered into the WorkCentre 4150 MFP, Xerox has trained and developed
a sophisticated service-delivery network that is capable of helping you maintain your equipment, address
issues that you may encounter with your equipment, and train you and your users on how to get the most
out of your equipment.
Network reliability is another area Xerox focuses on to deliver a consistent and positive customer experience –
the WorkCentre 4150 has been subjected to a controlled, formal test based on the IEEE software testing
standards and certified at Capability Maturity Model (CMM) level 2. Compatibility testing uses a number
of environmental conditions including server operating systems, client operating systems, network topologies,
email servers and Web browsers. Xerox devices maintain standards through adherence to standard protocols
(setup, authentication, secure print), consistency in physical standards (network cards, drivers, front end)
and operations (copy, print, scan, fax, store) with rock solid security and data integrity.
Lastly, the WorkCentre 4150 MFP has been evaluated for functionality and quality by a number of independent
entities and has been awarded the following certifications:
• Microsoft WHQL
• Printer MIB RFC 1213, 2790, 3805, 3806
• SNMP Version 1 and SNMP Version 2
• UL Listed (UL 60950-1)
• CB Certified (IEC 60950-1/EN 60950-1)
Productivity relies on tools that do their job day-in and day-out. Consider how often you need
to intervene with the machine to
replace paper
or other consumables or to
clear jams
or other
problems. How
easy is that intervention
and how
long is the device down
? If outside assistance
is required, how
easy is it to arrange
and how
long do you have to wait
? Is the device a
citizen? Has it been
tested and certified
by independent industry participants?