When turning on the charger the display will briefly indicate the adjusted charging setting
by way of a number and one or more led’s under ‘charge process’ will light up. At the
start of the charging process the Promax 200 first checks the battery voltage. If the
battery voltage is not correct then an error indicator will indicate this.
The charging process consists of 5 phases at most, depending on the dipswitch settings.
The length of the charging time depends on the battery quality, battery capacity, depth
of discharge and the current draw of any present users. Furthermore any faults could
delay the process. A short description of each charging phase:
1. Boost = T1
Every charging session begins with this phase, whether the battery is full or not. The
charging current is 100% and the voltage increases until the set voltage is reached. The
boost charge always takes at least 30 minutes. As such, even if a full battery is
connected this phase always takes 30 minutes.
During this phase the red LED under ‘charging process’ lights.
2. Equalize = T2
In this phase the charger keeps the charge voltage on the set value. Because the battery
is filling up the charging current decreases. The point at which the following phase is
entered depends on the charging program. However, this charge phase always has a
duration of maximum 4 hours, without any thermal stops which may occur.
During this phase the yellow LED under ‘charging process’ lights.
3. Compensate = T3
This is a special and extra phase for breaking down the sulphates which build up when a
battery is (deeply) discharged on a regular basis. The voltage can increase to 16Volt. As
such, this phase is only used in ‘stand alone’ applications (no users present during the
charging process). This phase isn’t suitable for most sealed, maintenance free batteries.
The compensation phase lasts at most 4 hours, plus any thermal stops which may occur.
During this phase the yellow LED under ‘charging process’ blinks.
4. Float = T4
The battery is full and is maintained with a lower, stable voltage of 13.5Volt or 13.8Volt,
depending on the charge setting. During this phase, the charger can still supply its
maximum current without the charger going into the boost phase. Because of this the
Promax 200 is capable of supplying other devices when used ‘on board’. If the battery
voltage drops below 12.65 Volt for a longer period of time, the charger automatically
switches back to the boost phase (T1). During this phase the green LED under ‘charging
process’ lights.
5. Jogging = T5
If, during float charging, the charging current is less than 10% for more than 24 hours,
the charger switches over to jogging. This phase prevents a battery, which has been on
float charge for a long time, from becoming “lazy”. During this phase no charging current
is delivered. If the battery voltage drops below 12.65 Volt the charger automatically
switches back to the boost charge phase (T1).
During this phase the green LED under ‘charging process’ blinks.