1. The project in the storage module of which the data already exist.
2. The project to which new data are added.
It is necessary to connect the programmer to the PC first if the user wants to use the
standalone function because the capacity of the standalone library is related to the
storage module (CF card) of the programmer hardware. Before the dialog box appears,
the storage capacity of the programmer hardware is displayed on the screen. In the
above figure, ‘CF Card Size = 256 Mbytes’ means the storage capacity is 256 MB.
Click the ‘Add’ button to add the three project files to the library. Click the
‘Download Library’ button to start the downloading. In order to ensure the security of
the data, the user can set some password to protect the data. Refer to “Security and
Password Input”.
Wait until the downloading is finished.
Now the programmer is able to work under a standalone mode. Refer to the
“Standalone Operation” for the detail.
Error messages:
“Please check connection of the programmer”: The programmer hardware is not
connected or an error occurs when the storage capacity is read. In this case, the
generated standalone library can not be used.
“Library size larger than capacity of CF card”: The added project needs a larger
storage capacity. Please increase the storage capacity (CF card capacity).
“Download library OK”: The library has been downloaded into the programmer
hardware successfully and now the programmer can be used in the standalone