Important Information:
1. This manual applies to SUPERPOR/6100N, SUPERPOR/611S, SUPERPOR/610P.
2. In order to connect the programmer easily and quickly, please connect the
hardware after installing the software.
3. Please read this manual carefully before using programmers.
4. Please do not use self-made adapters. It is recommended to buy the adapter made
by Xeltek.
Copyright Notice
Software Copyright
User's Guide Copyright
The distribution and sales of the product are intended for use by the original
purchaser under the terms of the License Agreement.
This document may not, in whole or part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced,
translated or reduced to any electronic medium of machine-readable form without
prior consent in writing from XELTEK.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
In the event of any discrepancy in respect of meaning between the software and
the manual due to the upgrade of the software version, the software shall prevail.
is the registered trademark of XELTEK.