How-to: Setting up XBee ZNet 2.5 (Series 2) modules
The XBee ZNet 2.5 modules from Digi are more advanced than the popular XBee Series 1
modules, but they require a little additional work to set up. This tutorial will guide you through
reflashing two XBee ZNet modules with the appropriate firmwares and setting them up to
communicate with eachother.
Materials needed:
2 - XBee ZNet 2.5 Modules (Digikey Part#: XB24-BWIT-004-ND)
1 - XBee Breakout Board (Sparkfun SKU#: BOB-08276 or from NKC Electronics)
2 - 2mm, 10 pin XBee socket (Sparkfun SKU#: PRT-08272 or included with NKC kit)
1 - Male Header row for XBee breakout (Sparkfun SKU#: PRT-00117 or included with NKC kit)
1 - FT232RL Breakout Board (Sparkfun SKU#: BOB-00718)
- male or female headers for the FT232RL Breakout board, depending on your preference
2 – LEDs
1 – Reset Switch (optional, see below)
Jumper wires (I prefer the fancy ones from Sparkfun (PRT-08430 and PRT-08431), but any 22awg solid
wire will work)
USB miniB cable
Arduino Diecimila
XBee Shield from NKC Electronics (
A computer running Windows
Also recommend:
3.3V Power Supply – Sparkfun SKU#: PRT-00114 is handy, but you can also just rig up your own 3.3V
An XBee ZNet 2.5 Module with Sparkfun’s XBee
breakout board