End of life
Once the maximum lifetime (10 years) is reached, the alarm
delivers 2 beeps and the LED indicator will flash yellow twice
every 30 seconds. This end-of-life signal can be temporarily
silenced for 3 days by pressing the test button.
The end-of-life silence feature can only be used for a total
of 30 days. After 30 days, the end-of-life signal cannot be
7. Keep portable heaters and open flames, like candles, away from flammable materials.
8. Don’t let rubbish accumulate.
9. Keep alarms clean, and test them weekly.
10. Replace alarms immediately if they are not working properly. Smoke alarm that
do not work cannot alert you to a fire.
11. Keep at least one working fire extinguisher on every floor, and an additional
one in the kitchen.
12. Have fire escape ladders or other reliable means of escape from an upper floor in
case stairs are blocked.
Follow these safety rules to prevent hazardous situations:
1. Use smoking materials properly. Never smoke in bed.
2. Keep matches or lighters away from children.
3. Store flammable materials in proper containers.
4. Keep electrical appliances in good condition and don’t overload electrical circuits.
5. Keep stoves, barbecue grills, fireplaces and chimneys grease-free and debris-free.
6. Never leave anything cooking on the stove unattended.