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51932 R07 Summit Powered Sit-to-Stand
Operator’s Manual
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Operator’s Manual
1. Secure Sling to patient. Follow sling instructions for proper fit, placement and use.
2. ENSURE patient is able to sit in an upright posture and position the Summit as shown in (Fig. 4).
3. OPEN the LEGS of the Summit to fit around a chair or wheelchair.
4. Move lift toward patient until patient’s feet are fully supported by footrest and patient’s legs are
positioned as close to a 90 degree angle as possible. (Fig. 4).
5. Summit wheels should remain unlocked to allow lift to move to center of gravity and prevent lift
from tipping.
Figure 4
Figure 5
6. Adjust shin guard to ensure patient’s shins are flush with the shin guard. Adjust shin guard to ensure
it rests two inches or more below patient’s knees. Lock Cam Lever.
7. EXTEND the HANDLEBAR (Fig. 5) until it is as close to the patient as possible, with patient sitting in
an upright posture (Fig. 4). (To extend the handlebar, PULL UP on the yellow knob on the lift arm.)
8. With patient sitting as upright as possible, hold the straps out toward the handlebar and select the
LOOP color that reaches the handlebar/hook junction. Place loop UNDER the handlebar and hooks
as shown to ensure proper sling placement (Fig. 6). Ensure the same color sling loops are used on
both hooks (Fig. 6).