Replacing Bearings and/or Seals
Support the brake housing on suitable stands with bearing area being disassembled
on top, shaft vertical.
Remove cap screws & lock washers, securing bearing adapter. Do not unbolt cover
plate at this time.
Insert jacking screws in the threaded holes provided in bearing adapter. Alternately
tighten the cap screws as bearing adapter is drawn from housing. This procedure will
pull the bearing from the shaft.
With bearing adapter removed from brake, bearing is now accessible. Remove the
socket head cap screw from retaining cover plate to bearing adapter and separate
cover plate from bearing adapter.
Note quantity, if any, and thickness of shims located between the two parts.
Drive seal from position in cover plate with punch.
Bearing can now be pulled by hand from the bore of the bearing adapter.
Inspect bearing for defects and determine need for replacement.
Remove seals and O-ring from the bearing adapter. Seals are only accessible after
seal adapter is unbolted by removal of socket head cap screws retaining seal adapter
to bearing adapter.
Once seal adapter is separated from bearing adapter the seal can be driven from
place with a punch.
Drive seal from seal adapter with punch.
Seal sleeve is now visible over shaft in the bearing cavity. Four notches are provided
for pulling seal sleeve off shaft if removal cannot be accomplished by hand grip.
Avoid scratching or gouging seal sleeve surface with tools used in removal. Inspect
seal sleeve for defects and replace if grooves or pitting is evident.
Remove O-rings from shaft.
After Replacement of Bearing and /or Seals
The following outline will present a step-by-step method for assembling bearing areas on
either side of the Hydrodynamic Brake.
NOTE If one side of the brake is being disassembled, repaired, and assembled at a time,
correct centering of rotor to stators can be maintained. This is described in steps 7.2.12
through 7.2.16. However, if both bearing areas were disassembled before assembly of either
side was began, rotor-stator spacing must be measured to achieve correct centering of rotor
between stators. In this case steps 7.2.12 through 7.2.16 must be omitted, complete
assembly with steps 7.2.17 through 7.2.24.
Support the brake on suitable stands with bearing area being assembled on top,
shaft vertical.
Grease new O-ring and slide O-ring in place on shaft.
Slide seal sleeve on shaft over O-ring pushing tab at back of sleeve into notch
provided in shaft. Seal sleeve will not extend over shoulder on shaft when sleeve is
located properly.
Coat bore of bearing adapter with Permatex #1 form-a-gasket in location where seal
seats. Drive seal into bore making sure that seal lip is pointing inward. Do not
hammer directly on seal case.
Coat bore of seal adapter with Permatex #1 for-a-gasket. Drive seal lip inward, into
bore enough that seal case is flush with mounting flange on seal adapter. Do not
hammer directly on seal case.
Mount seal adapter to bearing adapter with socket-head cap screws.
Grease new O-ring heavily and position in groove on back side of seal adapter.