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Relevant Literature for particulate absorption measurements
A detailed description on measuring particulate absorption of fresh water and seawater with
Glass Fiber Filters (GF/F) and determining the particulate absorption coefficient a
concentrated on the filter has been published in the following papers:
Mitchell, B. G., “Algorithms for Determining the Absorption Coefficient of Aquatic Particles
Using the Quantitative Filter Technique (QFT)”, SPIE Vol. 1302 Ocean Optics X (1990), 137
Sosik, H. M., “Storage of marine p
articulate samples for light-
absorption measurements”,
Limnol. Oceanogr., 44(4), 1999, 1139-1141
Belz, M., Larsen, K., Klein, F. “Fiber optic sample cells for polychromatic detection of dissolved
and particulate matter in natural waters”, Proc. SPIE, Vo
l. 6377, Oct 2006, 63770X