3.2.1 Images
On the le side can be displayed up to 4 images of thermal imagers. Each image has own pale e with adjustable
manual or automa c range, own ROI, color pale e and zoom each image is taken from the se ngs in the main
applica on ThermoInspector. The above image shows the camera number and its defined name from the main
applica on. Below the picture shows the current zoom and camera resolu on. Images are bounded by a colored
frame, which changes color according to state of inspec on: gray if the inspec on is ac ve, green when the
inspec on was evaluated as OK and red if it was evaluated as NOK.
3.2.2 FullScreen Setup
On the right side you can specify whether will be seen in applica on four smaller images (see. Figure 3.2) or only
one large image (see Figure 3.3), according switch Number of windows with camera.
Figure 3.3 – Example of applica on with one images
If One picture is selected, you can choose which image to be displayed by selec ng the Select Camera or can
be set automa cally changing the images a er the specified number of seconds when ac vated choice Image
Rota on every. 1.2
3.2.3 ROI Se ngs
Here you can see the results of inspec ons for each ROI in the table along with their number and selected sta s-
cs, each row is stained according to result of the inspec on. Below the table is displayed, which product is
chosen in manufacturing.
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Revision 2.6 EN, 14
Feb, 2019
All pictures are only for illustra on.
Real values may vary.