13.3 Functions
FUNCTIONS submenu allows you to manually set the zoom level of the primary camera, switch which camera is
the primary and to switch between the available screen layout options.
ZOOM ‐ set the zoom value on the main camera (physical zoom on the visible spectrum camera, digital
zoom on the thermal camera).
FOCUS AUTO ‐ Automatically focuses the thermal camera based on the observed scene.
FOCUS TO INFINITY ‐ Focuses the thermal camera to infinity.
DIFFERENTIAL GAS MODE ‐ Toggles the measurement in differential gas mode (ON/OFF). Differential gas
mode is used for better visualization of gases in the image. The differential gas mode calculates differences
from current and previous frames and displays the result as thermal stream.
MAIN CAMERA ‐ toggle which camera (thermal or visible light) is displayed as the primary (main) screen
and which is in the secondary (preview) screen.
ZOOM SIMULTANEOUSLY ‐ Zoom both cameras simultaneously
LAYOUT ‐ cycles between the available layout modes; (INSPECTION, FULLSCREEN and PiP Fusion, SECURITY).
THERMAL OPACITY ‐ Opacity of thermal camera image in PiP Fusion mode
Figure 13.4: Functions settings
The SECURITY layout removes the status bar at bottom of the primary view as well as the temperature legend on
right side of the thermal camera. The FULLSCREEN layout further removes the secondary screen, showing only
one camera type.
: Zoom level set for the camera in primary screen will be maintained for the same camera type once
it’s toggled into the secondary screen.
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Revision 210427 EN, 27
Apr, 2021
All pictures are only for illustration.
Real values may vary.