Manual 37615C
SPM-D2-10 - Synchronizing Unit
Page 24/68
© Woodward
Control Inputs
Enable/Release CB
Terminal 3
Terminal 6 = "Enable control"
If terminal 3 is energized, the operation of the power circuit breaker is en-
abled. Circuit breaker operation will be disabled when terminal 3 is de-
energized. This will permit the commissioning personnel to conduct test-
ing for proper operation of the controller without having the circuit break-
er closing even if the control functions are enabled. If the power circuit
breaker is closed, this input has no effect.
Terminal 6 = "OFF"
If terminal 3 is energized, the control functions and power circuit breaker
operations are enabled simultaneously. If the power circuit breaker is
closed, this input has no effect.
CB is open
Terminal 4
The status of the CB must be transmitted to the control unit through this input.
The input must be energized if the CB is open. (The status of this input is
checked for plausibility and is indicated with the LED "Gen CB - ON".)
Enable: Isolated
operation/dead bus
Terminal 5
Energizing terminal 5 will enable a dead bus start if the circuit breaker is
open. If this input is energized and the circuit breaker is closed, the frequency
and voltage controllers are enabled for isolated operation.
Enable control
Terminal 6
If "terminal 6 is configured for "Enable control" the frequency and voltage
controllers are enabled when this input is energized. If the input is prevented
from energizing, commissioning personnel may conduct testing for proper op-
eration of the control unit without the circuit breaker closing.
If several generators feed one busbar, it has to be ensured with external interlocking that only one of
the generators is released for dead bus start at a time. If several generators are released for dead bus
start at the same time, it may happen that the generator circuit breakers close at the same time, which
might cause serious damage to the generators!
Isolation of the Power Supply from the Discrete Inputs
The common reference point for the discrete inputs (terminal 7) may be electrically isolated from the supply volt-
age (0V, terminal 2) through proper external wiring. This permits the control to utilize more than one voltage in
the control wiring. This is necessary for example if the supply voltage for the control is +24 Vdc and electrical
isolation of the system control voltage (e.g. 220 Vdc or 220 Vac) must be ensured.
The control should be wired as follows:
If the discrete inputs are to utilize the same voltage as the supply voltage:
Install a jumper between terminal 7 and terminal 2 (0 V)
If the supply voltage and control voltage are not the same:
Terminal 2: connect to 0 V of the supply voltage
Terminal 7: connect to 0 V or N of the control voltage