ProTechTPS Total Protection System
Manual 26710V1
Active Probe (Proximity, Eddy Current)
Input Frequency
Active Probe (Proximity, Eddy Current): 0.5 Hz to
25 kHz
Input Amplitude
Active Probe: 24 V probes
Probe Power
24 V ±10% @ 1 W, probe power switched on only in
active probe mode.
Internal Pull-up
10 k
, input suitable for use with open collector probe
outputs (Note 1)
Input Threshold
< 2 V
Input Threshold
> 4 V
500 Vac from input to chassis and input to all other
Table 3-3b. Active Probe Specifications
Each speed input is designed to operate from its own speed probe.
Do not connect a speed probe to more than one input. This will
compromise the ability of the ProTechTPS to sense open wire
(passive mode only) and interfere with the minimum amplitude
sensitivity and accuracy.
When using open collector probes, verify that the signal is being
read properly at higher frequencies (>10 kHz). Long cable lengths
can significantly reduce the signal strength at higher frequencies. In
this case, add an external pull-up resistor of approximately 2 k
W) from terminals 70 to 69 and verify that the signal is read properly
by the ProTechTPS.
Shielded cable is required when connecting to the speed input.
Dedicated Discrete Inputs
Each ProTechTPS module (A, B, C) accepts three dedicated discrete inputs. The
Dedicated Discrete Inputs are Start, Reset and Speed-Fail-Override. Each
module can be configured to use only its local discrete input signals (start, reset,
and speed fail override) or the “ORed” result of its local discrete inputs and the
other two modules’ discrete inputs. This is useful if only one or two discrete
contacts are available from a specific circuit or application.
Start Input
This contact input is used as part of the Start Logic “Speed Fail Timeout Trip”
function. When this function is Enabled, closing the Start contact will start the
Speed Fail Timeout timer. This is an edge triggered signal and re-selecting Start
will re-start this timer. Refer to the Start Logic section below for additional details.
If it is desired to use one module’s contact inputs to also “Start” the other
modules Speed Fail Timeout Trip functions, each module’s Boolean Input
Manager logic function can be configured to do so. Each module’s Boolean Input
Manager function can be configured to accept, only its local Start contact input,
or a specific module’s Start contact input, or all modules’ Start contact inputs.
Note—The Start button is physically connected to the Start contact input.