Manual 26710V1
ProTechTPS Total Protection System
Some exceptions to this rule are permitted. The user-defined names can be
different in each module to allow the specification of unique tag names. Home
Screen selection, Home Screen on Trip configuration and Modbus Slave Address
are also exceptions. Since these may be different, this information is not checked
by the Configuration Compare function and is not copied between modules by
the Copy Configuration function. In special cases that require a different
application to be installed in each module, the Configuration Compare alarm can
be disabled.
The ProTechTPS overspeed device is certified for use in IEC-61508 SIL-3 based
applications. This overspeed device’s triple modular design allows users to easily
replace any of its modules (A, B, C) while the monitored equipment / turbine is
on-line and operating normally. This is also referred to as ‘hot replacement’. Ease
of replacement is enhanced by the unit’s backplane plug-and-operate structure
and its module-to-module program copying function.
Each ProTechTPS module shares its input values (speed, acceleration,
analog/discrete inputs, and dedicated-function discrete inputs) and its trip and
alarm latch outputs with the other two modules. Users can then optionally
configure the module’s trip and alarm logic to use or not use the shared input and
latch information. This type of redundancy allows users the choice of using one
two or three speed sensors and connecting to (wiring to) three modules, two
modules or only one module and using the sharing and voting logic to manage
logic in all three modules. Refer to Figure 3-1 for more information on module to
module sharing logic.
For system reliability purposes, it is recommended that all critical
parameters utilize three independent sensors or circuits, and be
individually wired into the ProTechTPS’s three independent modules.
Programming / Configuring Overview
Each ProTechTPS module includes preset overspeed, over-acceleration, alarm
latch, and trip latch functionality and can be custom configured to meet a specific
application through a module’s front panel or the provided Programming and
Configuration Tool (PCT). Refer to Figures 3-1 to 3-5 for functional logic