Manual MRI3 GB
6. Relay testing and commissioning
The test instructions following below help to verify the protection relay performance before or dur-
ing commissioning of the protection system. To avoid a relay damage and to ensure a correct relay
operation, be sure that:
The auxiliary power supply rating corresponds to the auxiliary voltage on site.
The rated current and rated voltage of the relay correspond to the plant data on site.
The current transformer circuits and voltage trans-former circuits are connected to the
All signal circuits and output relay circuits are connected correctly.
6.1 Power-On
Prior to switch on the auxiliary power supply, be sure that the auxiliary supply voltage corresponds
with the rated data on the type plate.
Switch on the auxiliary power supply to the relay and check that the message "WW" appears on
the display and the self supervision alarm relay (watchdog) is energized (Contact terminals D7 and
E7 closed).
6.2 Testing the output relays and LEDs
Prior to commencing this test, interrupt the trip circuit to the circuit breaker if tripping is not desired.
By pressing the push button <TRIP> once, the display shows the first part of the software version
of the relay (e.g. “D08-”). By pressing the push button <TRIP> twice, the display shows the second
part of the software version of the relay (e.g. “4.01”). The software version should be quoted in all
correspondence. Pressing the <TRIP> button once more, the display shows "PSW?". Please enter
the correct password to proceed with the test. The message "TRI?" will follow. Confirm this mes-
sage by pressing the push button <TRIP> again. All output relays should then be activated and the
self supervision alarm relay (watchdog) be deactivated one after another with a time interval of
3 second and all LEDs with a delay of 0.5 seconds, with the self-supervision relay dropping. The-
reafter, re-set all output relays back to their normal positions by pressing the push button
<SELECT/RESET> (about 3 s).
6.3 Checking the set values
By repeatedly pressing the push button <SELECT>, all relay set values may be checked. Set value
modification can be done with the push button <+><-> and <ENTER>. For detailed information
about that, please refer to chapter 5.
For a correct relay operation, be sure that the frequency set value (f=50/60) has been selected ac-
cording to your system frequency (50 or 60 Hz).