Manual MRI3 GB
5.3.6 Display of the activation storage (FLSH/NOFL)
If after an activation the existing current drops again below the pickup value, e.g. I>, without a trip
has been initiated, LED I> signals that an activation has occurred by flashing fast. The LED keeps
flashing until it is reset again (push button <RESET>). Flashing can be suppressed when the pa-
rameter is set to NOFL.
5.3.7 Parameter switch/external triggering of the fault recorder
By means of the parameter-change-over switches it is possible to activate two different parameter
sets. Switching over of the parameter sets can either be done by means of software or via the ex-
ternal inputs RESET or blocking input. Alternatively, the external inputs can be used for Reset or
blocking of the triggering of the fault recorder.
Software-parameter Blocking
input used as
RESET input use as
Blocking input
Blocking input
Parameter switch
Blocking input
Parameter switch
Ext. Triggering of the FR
Reset input
Blocking input
Ext. Trigger for FR
Parameter switch
Ext. Trigger for FR
With the settings SET1 or SET2 the parameter set is activated by software. Terminals C8/D8 and
D8/E8 are then available as external reset input or blocking input.
With the setting B_S2 the blocking input (D8, E8) is used as parameter-set change-over switch.
With the setting R_S2 the reset input (D8, E8) is used as parameter-set change-over switch. With
the setting B_FR the fault recorder is activated immediately by using the blocking input. On the
front plate the LED FR will then light up for the duration of the recording. With the set-ting R_FR the
fault recorder is activated via the reset input. With the setting S2_FR parameter set 2 can be acti-
vated via the blocking input and/or the fault recorder via the reset input.
The relevant function is then activated by applying the auxiliary voltage to one of the external in-
Important note:
When functioning as parameter change over facility, the external input RESET is not available for
resetting. When using the external input BLOCKING the protection functions must be deactivated
by software blocking separately (refer to chapter 5.7.1).