Low ground cover is dirt and soil and the smallest plants and grasses. After a base layer of Blended Turf, add Fine Turf to
blend in additional colors for realism. Turf colors should be subtly blended together as they are in nature.
Blended Turf
1. Fill Plastic Cup with Green Blend Blended Turf and attach Sifter Lid.
2. Spray terrain with Scenic Cement using the Scenic Sprayer set to spray
(Fig. 75)
3. Sprinkle Green Blend Turf onto wet adhesive, covering the terrain
(Fig. 76)
. Leave
a few areas of Earth Undercoat visible.
4. When happy with coverage, spray with Scenic Cement to seal in place.
Fine Turf
1. Use the Plastic Cup & Sifter Lid to apply Fine Turf or sprinkle on with fingers.
2. Sprinkle on various colors of Fine Turf, spraying Scenic Cement between each
layer. Blend colors to model nature’s color variances.
3. When satisfied with coverage, spray on a final coat of Scenic Cement to seal.
Fine Turf Colors
Burnt Grass – Add highlights to Blended Turf and model drier areas.
Soil and Earth – Use for modeling weeds, paths, dirt roads, streambeds,
eroded areas, drainage ditches, etc.
Yellow Grass – Model areas that do not get a lot of water or sprinkle lightly on
top of Turf to add sundrenched look.
Medium ground cover is low grasses, leaves and weeds. It is the natural rise and fall of plants that are different sizes,
shapes and colors and growing in random patterns. This section also includes Talus or rock debris. Landscape materials
start to overlap.
Coarse Turf
Medium Green Coarse Turf models texture variation and weeds, coarse grass and small plants.
1. Spray landscape with Scenic Cement, avoiding rock faces.
2. Sprinkle Coarse Turf lightly onto wet adhesive.
3. When satisfied with coverage, spray with a coat of Scenic Cement to seal.
Talus is rock debris that collects beneath cliffs, around base of mountains,
in erosion ruts and at base of rock outcroppings.
1. Shake bag to mix rock sizes. Sprinkle Talus at base of rock
outcroppings and cliffs, around tunnel portals, and in creek beds and
drainage ditches.
2. Use the Scenic Sprayer or an eyedropper to saturate Talus with Scenic
(Fig. 77)
. Let dry and apply an additional coat to seal in place.
Fig. 77
Fig. 76
Fig. 75
Low Ground Cover
Medium Ground Cover