Cut Access Panels
1. Mark the five unprinted Profile Boards L1, L3, B3, B4 and B6 with the Foam Pencil
(Fig. 27)
2. Using a hobby knife (or Foam Knife) and ruler, cut Access Panel openings on L1, B3 and B4 where indicated in
Fig. 27
3. Cut a 1" x 1" hole in the center of each Access Panel for easy removal.
Assemble Profile Boards
1. There are nine printed Profile Boards. Use Hot Wire Foam Cutter or Foam Knife to cut terrain contours following
printed patterns
(Fig. 28)
2. Cut four 3" x 8" Connectors in half to 3" x 4" pieces.
3. Sort cut Profile Boards into groups by side.
Front Side
– 4 cut Profile Boards F1, F2, F3, F4 / 3 Connector halves
Left Side
– 2 whole Profile Boards L1, L3 / 4 cut Profile Boards L2, L4, L5 / 2 Connector halves.
Back Side
– 3 whole Profile Boards B3, B4, B6 / 4 cut Profile Boards B1, B2, B5, B7 / 2 Connector halves
Right Side
– 2 cut Profile Boards R1, R2 / 1 Connector half
Profile Boards
Profile Boards are 8" x 24" ribbed sheets that interlock in a tongue and groove
fashion. When measuring top and bottom edges, one edge is 1" thick and the
opposite is 1/2" thick. Profile Boards that run along the front and back of the
layout will be assembled with the 1" edge down (ribs inward) and the Boards on
the left and right will be assembled with the 1/2" edge down (ribs inward). This
allows the sheets to interlock at the corners. Connectors secure Profile Boards at
(Fig. 26)
Glue These Without
Corner Filler
Corner Filler
8" x 24" Profile Board
3" x 8" Connector
Fig. 26
1/2" Connector
3" x 4"
Fig. 25
Woodland Scenics
Profile Boards
Foam Nails
Low Temp Foam Glue Gun
Low Temp Foam Glue Sticks
Hot Wire Foam Cutter
Foam Pencil
Hobby Knife or Foam Knife