Hardware Reference Guide
Loading a Firmware Module
©2004 Woodhead Software & Electronics, Division of Woodhead Canada Limited
Document Edition: 1.0, Document #: 715-0078, Template Edition: 1.1, Template #: QMS-06-045
Use, duplication or disclosure of this document or any of the information contained herein is subject to the restrictions on page ii of this document.
C.1.4 Loading and Starting the Firmware Module
To load and start the firmware module, follow these steps:
1. Write the contents of the entire firmware file into shared memory, starting at bank zero
(0), offset zero (0).
2. If the application requires interrupts from the card, write the interrupt ID to the HostIrq
Register and bit-wise OR value 0x20 (IntEn) to the Control Register.
3. Bit-wise OR the value 0x80 (CardRun) to the Control Register to start the firmware
4. Start a 2-second timeout timer and wait for bit 2 (HostIrq0) in the Control Register to set.
5. If the timer expires, the firmware module failed to start. Write zero to the Control
Register to disable the card. If this problem persists, contact
Technical Support
6. Check the load status, as per the firmware reference guide.