Setup & Operation
Control Setup
Setup & Operation
Press At 12 Inches (or 305mm in metric mode).
The Accuset control should indi-
cate the actual position of the blade above the bed rails. To check this setting, move
the saw carriage so the blade is positioned above a bed rail. Raise the saw head
until the blade is positioned 12" (305mm) by actual measurement from the bed rail.
Measure from the top of the bed rail to the bottom of a down-set tooth of the blade.
While in Manual Mode, push the Up button to enter the Configuration Menu.
Choose Calibrate Head and press the button labeled "Press at 12 inches" (or “Press
at 305mm”). The display will change to "Head Calibrated". Push the Save Settings
button to store the new 12-inches setting and exit the Configuration Menu.
Adjust Offset.
Although you can use the Offset value to adjust the Accuset control,
it is recommended that you use the Press At 12 Inches setting to make this adjust-
ment. The Offset value is provided for diagnostic reasons and should not need to be
After recalibrating the Accuset control,
check and adjust the inch scale on the
saw head to match the value displayed on the control. Adjust the bottom saw head
stop bolt all the way down. Move the saw head down until Accuset displays 3/4” and
adjust the bottom saw head stop bolt up until it just touches the saw head.