Wöhler DC 17 Pressure Computer
Hotline: +49 2953 73-211
Fax: +49 2953 73-250
3.2 Menu item Temp. for measuring the flow and return temperature
You can measure the flow and return temperature before and after hydraulic
adjustments with the help of temperature measuring pliers (Cat. No. 3619).
These values can be stored by the DC 17 for a later printout.
Step 1:
Attach the pliers and connect the jack
plug to the DC 17.
Step 2:
Switch on the Wöhler DC 17 and enable
the menu item „Temp.“. The device indicates
the current temperature measured at the pliers.
Step 3:
Store and print out the values. The
„C l/O“ key
on the right-hand side completes
the temperature measurement. The message
Save as appears on the display. Press the
„±“ key
to select one of the four available me-
mory slots and confirm your selection with the
„ENTER“ key:
1. Flow temperature before adjustment
2. Return temperature before adjustment
3. Flow temperature after adjustment
4. Return temperature after adjustment
After that, the DC 17 prompts:
You can either print out the last flow measure-
ment, including the measured flow and return
temperatures, via a thermal printer or transmit
the values to the PC. This allows to document
all results in a comprehensive shape. Press the
„C l/O“ key
to finish the temperature measu-
rement and to return to the standard pressure
Fig. 3.2.1: Measurement of the flow temperature using temperature measu-
ring pliers (Cat. No.: 3619)
3. Operation