Pag. 10
dual true diversity receiver
The options
allow you to change the name of
the receiver. This is the name displayed in the top of
the display in the main view and is the name sent
to the transmitter with the sync function (for trans-
mitters with this advanced capability). Use the knob
to change the name and the buttons to save or exit
from the function.
LCD contr.
LCD light
With these two functions it is possible to change the
contrast or the backlight intensity of the LCD display.
Use the knob to change and the buttons to save or
exit from the function.
function shows many important features
or information of your MRK950 receiver:
Range of frequency
Internal temperature
Serial number
Internal errors counter (could be read and re
set from the
Wisycom Manager
Bootloader firmware version
Application firmware version
DSP firmware version
Note: the complete software and hardware
status is displayed switching ON the receiver
with a knob pressed. Press this knob a sec-
ond time to exit this function.
Restore preset
ResToRe PReseT
resets the following setups
to factory defaults: tone squelch (OFF), noise reduc
tion system (ENR), audio output level (12dBu), cal
tone (OFF), audio matrix, booster supply (OFF) and
headphone selection (OFF).
Note: receiver names, frequencies, groups or
channels information are NOT changed.
Audio menu
The second item on the menu tree is “
Pressing AUDIO (middle button), you enter the AU
DIO functions menu, as shown here below:
Noise red.
Tone sq.
Out level
Cal. tone
Noise red.
noise RedUcTion sYsTeM
is used to se-
lect your current noise reduction system in the audio
path. If the DSP board is not installed it is possible
to change only between ENR (the n. r. system of
the Wisycom wireless microphones) and “NONE”.
The NONE position excludes the audio expander and
the receiver works as a normal FM receiver with 50
microseconds of de-emphasys and 20KHz of audio
bandwidth. If the DSP board is installed then it is pos
sible to choose different types of audio processors.
Use the buttons to save or exit from this function.
Depending on selected NOISE REDUCTION SYSTEM,
tone squelch function and transmitter battery status
could be enabled or disabled (since not all the wire-
less microphones have this enhanced functionality).
Tone sq.
Tone sQUelcH
function is an advanced func-
tion (whose behaviour depends on selected noise
reduction system). This chapter explains TONE
SQUELCH operations when associated to a Wisycom
wireless microphone with the ENR as active noise
reduction system. Other types of wireless micro-
phones could have different behaviour or could not
work properly. Here-after the complete tone squelch
function, whenever the receiver does not have all
the options installed, some functions will be hid-
den. The tone squelch selection could be OFF, ON
or ADV (advanced). Tone squelch OFF enables the
audio output on LINE and COM (if present) connec