Pag. 11
high performances microphone system
tors always, it could be muted only by the squelch
on RF signal (the RF squelch has always priority).
Tone squelch ON enables the audio output on LINE
and COM (if present) only if the transmitter sends
the correct identification tone signal (tone squelch).
The ADV function (with or without PTT options), on
microphone transmitters, gives more possibilities of
audio routing and GPI signalling. In the picture be
low is displayed the matrix menu. To have access to
this menu is needed to set the tone squelch function
in ADV and then press the upper button “CONFIG”:
With the knob and the buttons, it is possible to
choose, for any one of the three TSQ modes, the
status of the audio outputs LINE and COM and in the
TSQ ADV mode it is possible to choose the status
of outputs LINE, COM and GPI, when the transmit
ter PTT button is released or pushed. The dot in the
circle on the left of the display shows the actual set-
ting for the tone squelch function.
Note: the tone squelch could not substitute
the squelch on the RF signal level. For the
best performance of the receiver it is bet-
ter to use the SQUELCH & TONE SQUELCH
Out level
oUT leVel
function allows the adjustment of
the audio level on the LINE and COM balanced out
puts. The nominal level, used also in the technical
specifications of the receiver, is 12dBu at nominal
modulation and could reach 18dBu to 20dBu in clip
ping. This level could be too high for some audio
mixing units, so with the out level function it is pos-
sible to reduce the nominal level from 12dBu to 6dBu
or 0dBu. This setting is unique for LINE and COM and
for all the two receivers.
Note: the audio output level could be further
reduced by 30dB with a switch below the XLR
output connector, in the rear panel.
Cal. tone
caliBRaTion Tone
function generates an
1KHz sine audio tone at the audio outputs at the
nominal level on the selected receiver.
Before starting the tone it is possible to select with
the knob the outputs for the tone (only LINE, only
COM or LINE and COM together). With the buttons
it is possible to start, stop and exit from the tone
generation. The calibration tone is generated by an
analog source when the noise reduction system se-
lected is analog. The calibration tone is a very low
distorsion digital generated when the noise reduc-
tion system selected is digital (from DSP board).
The output not selected for the tone generation will
be muted.
When the tone is active at least in one output, the
led bar of the deviation indicates the 100%, just to
remember that the tone has the same level of the
nominal deviation in a transmitter.
function, selected from the main menu
with the lower button, is useful to tune a transmit-
ter on the same frequency of the receiver via the IR
interface. Before starting the sync function tune the
receiver on desired channel, manually or using the
SCAN utility. After this, enable the IR interface on
the transmitter. Now press the knob and the lower
button to start the SYNC function. Keep the IR win
dow of the transmitter in front of the IR window of
the receiver and, as soon as the connection is done,
the receiver will send to the transmitter all the in-
formation needed. If the operation is not possible,
(i.e. the frequency range of the transmitter is not
compatible with the frequency of the receiver), the
display will show an error message. If the transmit
ter has the function “NAME” enabled, when the sync
function is completed it will show the same name of
the syncronized receiver.
SQ (squelch autoset)
sQUelcH aUToseT
function helps the user to
set the squelch level of the receiver at a good level
for the selected channel. After pressing the SQ au
toset button, the two receivers ask to switch off the
transmitter and then, after the user confirmation (on
one receiver or all the two receivers at the same
time), it starts to measure the noise in the selected
A few time later, after some calculation, the receiver