Main Settings Page
To save any changes to the Mason
s settings, click the
Save Changes
button at the bottom of the configuration page. Changes are applied as
soon as you save them.
Access Control
This section is used to specify the user name and password which is required to
enter the Mason IP Configuration pages.
If you set an access password and then later forget it, you will not be
able to access the configuration pages. To regain access you would
need to do a complete restore of the Mason by downloading the latest
firmware updater from the Wired website.
Video Outputs Setting
These settings determine the resolution and format of the Mason
s video output.
Normally you would select the highest resolution that
your TV/monitor supports. Choose the desired resolu-
tion from the pop-up menu.
Screen Shape
Specifies whether you have a widescreen or standard
shape TV, and whether to use Pan & Scan or Letter-
boxing when fitting a wide movie on a standard TV.
Digital Video
Specifies the video format for the digital input of your
TV. If you are connecting to a HDMI input, be sure to
select HDMI.
Some newer TVs with DVI inputs also require this set-
ting; choose the setting that gives the best results.
Mason User Guide
Jan 2008
13 of 27