Award BIOS Con figu ra tion
Gen eral In for ma tion
The EBC-LP comes equipped with a stan dard Award BIOS with Setup in ROM that al lows us ers to
mod ify the ba sic sys tem con figu ra tion. This type of in for ma tion is stored in battery- backed CMOS
RAM so that it re tains Setup in for ma tion when power is turned off.
En ter ing Setup
To en ter setup, power on the com puter and press the DEL key im me di ate ly af ter the mes sage “ Press
DEL to En ter Setup” ap pears on the lower left of the screen. If the mes sage dis ap pears bef ore you
re spond and you still wish to en ter setup, re start the sys tem by turn ing it OFF and then ON or by
press ing the RE SET but ton, if so equipped, or by press ing the CTRL, ALT and DEL key
si mul ta ne ously. Al ter nately, un der cer tain er ror con di tions of in cor rect setup the mes sage:
“Press F1 to con tinue or DEL to En ter Setup”
may ap pear. To En ter Setup at that time press the DEL key. To at tempt to con tinue, ig nor ing the
er ror con di tion, press the F1 key.
Setup Main Menu
The main menu screen is dis played on the fol low ing page. Each of the op tions will be dis cussed in
this sec tion. Use the ar row keys to high light the de sired se lec tion and press EN TER to en ter the sub-
menu or to exe cute the func tion se lected.
Page 3-1
Summary of Contents for EBC-LP
Page 68: ...APPENDIX C Mechanical Drawing...
Page 69: ......
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Page 71: ...APPENDIX D WS16C48 I O Routines and Sample Program Listings...