Mem ory
This cate gory is dis play only and is de ter mined by the BIOS POST (Power-On Self Test).
Base Mem ory
The POST rou tines in the BIOS will de ter mine the amount of base (con ven tional) mem ory in stalled
in the sys tem. The value of the base mem ory is typi cally 640K for sys tems with a Mega byte of mem ory
or greater.
Ex tended Mem ory
The BIOS de ter mines how much ex tended mem ory is pres ent dur ing the POST. This is the amount
of mem ory lo cated above 1MB in the CPU's mem ory ad dress space.
Total Mem ory
The BIOS dis plays the to tal of the Base mem ory and the Ex tended mem ory in stalled in the sys tem.
Advanced BIOS Fea tures Setup
Vi rus Warn ing
This op tion when en abled, pro tects the boot sec tor and par ti tion ta ble of the hard disk against un au -
thor ized writes through the BIOS. Any at tempt to al ter these ar eas will re sult in an er ror mes sage and a
prompt to author ize the ac tiv ity.
CPU In ter nal Cache
This op tion, when en abled, pro vides maxi mum per form ance by cach ing in struc tions and data us ing
the on- chip cache of the Pentium proc es sor.
Ex ter nal Cache
This op tion, when en abled, fur ther en hances per form ance by cach ing re cently used in struc tions
and data into fast SRAM.
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- "The Embedded Systems Authority"
Summary of Contents for EBC-BX
Page 72: ...8 APPENDIX C EBC BX Parts Placement Guide Top 030923 OPERATIONS MANUAL EBC BX Page 8 1...
Page 73: ...EBC BX Parts Placement Guide Bottom Page 8 2 OPERATIONS MANUAL EBC BX 030923...
Page 74: ...9 APPENDIX D EBC BX Parts List...
Page 82: ...10 APPENDIX E EBC BX Mechanical Drawing...
Page 83: ......
Page 84: ...11 APPENDIX F WS16C48 I O Routines and Sample Program Listings...