The camera has a strong magnet on its back and can be mounted on any metal surface of a vehicle,
trailer, or anything you tow. The camera is already charged, but it is a good practice to charge the
camera when not in use. The camera will fully charge in 5 hours.
The desired mounting place has to be a clean and flat surface to provide maximum magnetic
holding force. Aluminium / plastics / carbon fiber will not hold the magnetic camera. Turn the
camera on or off using the power button on the top of the camera. The camera image will always
appear on the monitor screen as long as both are receiving power.* It is recommended to remove
the camera when not in use and charge fully between uses. The camera provides 4-5 hours of
viewing time between charging. When the battery on the camera is at 20%, an icon will appear on
the monitor to notify you.
The camera is not intended to be mounted permanently. It is recommended to remove the camera
when not in use and fully charge between uses. There are strap holders on each side of the camera.
Use tie-wraps or rope to secure if needed.
12V/24V Power Adapter