settings button will take you to the generator
settings screen. The generator auto button will set
the generator to turn on automatically according
to the generator auto settings.
Further Information
Refer to the Electrical Generator section in
this manual’s electrical chapter and the generator
manufacturer’s user guide provided in your
InfoCase for complete operating instructions,
specific recommendations, troubleshooting tips,
safety precautions, and maintenance information.
Inverter Controls
The Inverter Controls are located on the
Electrical Main Screen on the left side below the
generator. This button will take you to the 3
pages of inverter customization including low
battery cutout, max charge current, output power
limits, etc.
Further Information
See the Inverter/charger unit section in this
manual’s electrical section and the inverter/
charger manufacturer’s user guide provided in
your InfoCase for complete instructions and
charging setup directions.
Generator Start Button
-Typical View
Generator Settings Button
-Typical View
Generator Settings Screen
Use this screen to customize various
triggers to automatically start and stop the
generator. The total run hours are also
displayed in the lower right side of the
-Typical View
Inverter Settings Button
-Typical View