upright to avoid draining the bleach.
Connect the hose to a city water hydrant to force
the bleach into the tank and fill the tank with
This method has the additional benefit of disin-
fecting the city water hose at the same time.
Continuous Tank Disinfection
Some RVers like to ensure continuous
sanitation of their fresh water tank by
“superchlorination”– maintaining an effective
low level of chlorine in the tank at all times.
Add 1 teaspoon of chlorine bleach (sodium
hypochlorite) to your tank for each 10 gallons
of tank capacity. When you fill the tank, this
will result in a 6.7 ppm level of chlorine,
which should kill harmful bacteria and slime-
forming organisms.
Chlorine may be removed from drinking
water by the cold water filter at the galley
faucet (if equipped) or by installing an
activated carbon water purifier at the galley
sink cold waterline or a separate drinking
water faucet with filter.
Superchlorination does not affect city water
usage, only the fresh water tank.
After using the shower, you may notice water
dripping from the shower faucet assembly. The
dripping results when vacuum in the shower hose
(after closing the shower faucet) slowly releases
and allows water remaining in the hose to drain
down. This is a normal function of the shower
valve assembly and is not a leak or defect.
If items are placed into the shower tub before
shower valve vacuum release is complete, they
may become wet.
–If Equipped
The exterior wash station feature allows you
to do things such as rinse off sand or salt after a
swim, rinse off muddy boots, or bathe your pet
outside the coach. Some models may have a
water pump switch located near the shower
faucet for convenience.
The toilet in your motor home is very similar
to the household type, except that it is designed to
use only a small amount of water per flush. It
uses a high velocity jet of water, producing a
swirl effect, to efficiently cleanse the bowl.
Important “Don’ts”
Don't use facial tissue or regular toilet tissue in
the RV toilet. These will not disintegrate
sufficiently and will often cling to the sides of
Exterior Shower/Wash Station
-Typical View