Care and attention is needed when operating your elevating roof. The manufacturer will not cover
any damage or cuts to the canvas caused by miss operation. The following guide lines will help
prevent this.
, To elevate roof - open side door, undo roof straps (fig 3) and hold onto roof handles letting the
roof elevate slowly.
, To lower roof - open side door, pull roof down slowly in three stages, between each stage pull in
roof canvas on both sides (fig 1) then tuck the canvas in and fasten roof straps (fig 3).
If roof canvas has been wet it is advisable to elevate the roof when possible to allow the canvas to
dry, this will prevent deterioration of the canvas.
It is important to elevate your roof at least once a month to prevent the roof rubber seal from
sticking to the body work and to prevent the canvas from perishing.
The canvas must be waterproof treated yearly or when required (fig 4) to prevent any leaks or rot.
Waterproof canvas spray can be purchased from Bodans or most camping stores.
The roof hinge nuts need to be regularly checked for tightness and lubricated. Do not over tighten
the roof nuts as the hinge will bind.
The standard plumbing in your campervan includes a removable water container and
submersible water pump. Care needs to be taken when carrying water as damage to interior by
spillages will not be covered under your guarantee.
1. Unscrew the container cap and remove submersible pump from the container.
2. Attach the water pump to the hook on wall to prevent water spillage from the pipe.
3. Fill container, reinstall the water pump and cap.
4. Dry any spilt water.
5. Don’t leave water in the container for long periods of time.
If any information in this booklet is unclear, please call or email with any questions.
1. The gas on your campervan should be turned off at the bottle whilst travelling.
2. Do not obstruct any ventilation outlets in cupboards or floor.
3. Whilst in habitation and using gas appliances sufficient ventilation must enter the
vehicle, it is vitally important that the roof must be elevated.
4. It is advisable to have your gas equipment and installation checked annually. This service can
be carried out at Bodans.
Bodans Campervans
Hereford Road
Telephone: 01743 874496
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.bodans.co.uk
Campervan User Guide
Fig 1
Fig 2
Fig 3
Fig 4