When servicing machine, avoid contact with
battery acid.
Lors de l'entretien de la machine, évitez tout
contact avec l'acide de batterie.
Batteries emit hydrogen gas. Explosion or fire can
result. Keep sparks and open flame away. Keep
covers open when charging.
Les batteries émettent du gaz hydrogène. Une
explosion ou un incendie peut en résulter.
Maintenez les étincelles et les flammes nues à
l’écart. Gardez les carters ouverts lors du charge-
Wear eye protection and protective clothing when
working with batteries.
Portez des lunettes de protection et des vêtements
de protection lorsque vous travaillez avec des
Charge batteries in a well ventilated area.
Chargez les batteries dans un endroit bien ventilé.
Battery Maintenance
When cleaning the batteries, use a solution of
baking soda and water. Do not allow the cleaning
fluid to enter the battery cells, electrolyte will be
2. Maintain the proper electrolyte level in each battery
cell. If a cell should accidentally overflow, clean
3. Wipe off the top of the batteries at least once a
4. Test battery condition with a hydrometer at least
once a week.
5. Ensure that all connections are tight and all
corrosion removed.
6. Every 4 to 6 months, remove the batteries from the
machine and clean the battery cases and battery
86398220 Operators Manual - Chariot-2 iScrub 20