Sequence control configuration
– motor line
Sequential control position limit
the max position the motor line is allowed to have without the
„result“ is being fulfilled.
For MotorLink
motor lines stepless variable.
For ±24 Volt motor lines 0 or 100%
Sequential control with (upon what should the motor line wait?)
1. Motor line.
2. Local input
3. The state of a KNX object
4. The state of a BACnet object
Sequential control with No
Upon which number should the motor line wait
Sequential control position logic
In which positions should the sequential control be active
Link™ - master/slave connection
The WSK-Link
™ connection between to MotorControllers is done via input X5 or X6 on the master and input X11 on the slave.
A MotorController can have a master/slave connection to several MotorControllers. However, the total max number of
connected slaves on the bus must not exceed 10 units.
The total cable length must not exceed 200m, see S1 X11 for examples for connection of MotorControllers.
A slave can only have one master, whereas a master can have several slaves and a MotorController can both be a slave and a
master to MotorControllers.
Configuration of Master
– Slave system:
A connected slave MotorController is shown on
the master
MotorController’s touch screen.
When two MotorControllers are connected to each other in a
master-slave connection, the slave will appear as a green break
glass uni
t on the master’s touch screen.
The slave
MotorController’s appearance on
the master MotorController
On the master’s touch screen the Device type of the slave will
appear as a WCC 3xx.
For configuring network addresses.
The WCA 3CP card has a 10/100Mbit Ethernet connection. The connection support DHCP or static IP address as well as
The appendix contains all the items that can be configured - see appendix for detailed explanation.
Network is used in with BACnet IP interface
– contact WindowMaster for further information.