WILSON AUDIO TuneTot Installation And Care Manual Download Page 1

I n s t a l l a t i o n   a n d   C a r e   G u i d e

Summary of Contents for TuneTot

Page 1: ...I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d C a r e G u i d e...

Page 2: ...l es an d M ar ket i ng D epa r tm ent Th e information cont ained herein is subjec t to chan g e wit h ou t n ot ice Cu r re nt R evi sio n 1 0 If you are in nee d of a more recent man u al p lease c...

Page 3: ...o olkit 7 Section 1 3 C ho osing the Best Lo cation 7 S e c t i o n 2 S e t u p o f Tu n e To t 9 Section 2 1 Assem bl ing TuneTot 10 In stalli ng the S pi kes 10 Section 2 2 Refining the Position Of...

Page 4: ...Secti o n 3 2 Graph ic al Dime n s ion s 2 4 Secti o n 3 3 Tu ne Tot Ph ase C u rve 25 Sectio n 3 4 Tune To t Impe dan c e Cu rve 26 S e c t i o n 4 Tu n e To t E c o s y s t e m 2 8 Secti o n 4 1 Tun...

Page 5: ...T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s 5 W i l s o n A u d i o S p e c i a l t i e s Remedy 34 War rant y Limi t ed t o Ori g i nal Purchas er 35 D emons tr at ion Equi pmen t 35 Mis cellan eous 36...

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Page 7: ...W i l s o n A u d i o S p e c i a l t i e s S e c t i o n 1 T u n e T o t A s s e m b l y...

Page 8: ...RIGHT channel section Section 1 1 Box Content Checklist Now that you have unpacked your TuneTot you can inventory all the addi tional items in the boxes Owners Manual Warranty Registration Form 1x Pol...

Page 9: ...s in this kit throughout the installation pro cess Keep TuneTot toolkit at hand Section 1 3 Choosing the Best Location TuneTot is designed to be used primarily on bookshelves credenzas count ers and d...

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Page 11: ...S e c t i o n 2 S e t u p o f T u n e T o t W i l s o n A u d i o S p e c i a l t i e s...

Page 12: ...he two sets of spikes These can be found in the tool box Remove all eight spikes Stage two AAs and two Adjust able spikes for each TuneTot 3 With the help of an assistant measure your ear using the ea...

Page 13: ...le spike loose enough to allow the spike to be adjusted freely by hand Section 2 2 Refining the Position Of TuneTot Finding the Correct Position TuneTot benefits from fine tuning both side to side as...

Page 14: ...of dynamic contrast Time Domain Setup Wilson engineers have devised a simple and effective method for achiev ing the correct time domain for each installation with TuneTot The correct baffle angle in...

Page 15: ...in the rear receptacles then decrease the length of the spikes 6 If there is too much reveal and the Adjustable spikes are in stalled in the front receptacles then increase the length of the spikes 7...

Page 16: ...ure that TuneTot is still positioned for cor rect time domain 6 Using the supplied 9 16 wrench and taking care to avoid mov ing TuneTot out of position tighten the nuts installed on the Adjustable spi...

Page 17: ...ively can damage the paint 3 Take care in removing the protective film near edges and cor ners to prevent paint damage in these areas 4 The protective film should not be left on the painted surface fo...

Page 18: ...spectrum of TuneTot Occasionally the combination of TuneTot s proximity to a shelf or counter top and a rear wall can reinforce this port energy and cause undesirable reinforcement and nonlinearities...

Page 19: ...faced end out gently push the port plug into the vent making sure the flat flange of the plug rests tightly against the exter nal edges of the vent 7 Restart the musical selection Listen for improved...

Page 20: ...a driver can be dam aged by excess power In rare instances for some installations it is desirable to alter the level of the tweeter to overcome tonal balance problems There is a resistor fine tuning...

Page 21: ...W i l s o n A u d i o S p e c i a l t i e s...

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Page 23: ...S e c t i o n 3 S p e c i f i c a t i o n s W i l s o n A u d i o S p e c i a l t i e s...

Page 24: ...Overall Dimensions System Weight Per Channel Total System Shipping Weight approx Rear Vented Sealed 5 75 inches 14 61 cm Doped Paper Pulp 1 inch 2 54 cm Doped Silk Fabric 86 dB 1W 1m 1k 8 ohms minimum...

Page 25: ...S e c t i o n 3 2 G r a p h i c a l D i m e n s i o n s 25 W i l s o n A u d i o S p e c i a l t i e s Section 3 2 Graphical Dimensions...

Page 26: ...26 T u n e T o t I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d C a r e G u i d e A u t h e n t i c E x c e l l e n c e Section 3 3 TuneTot Phase Curve...

Page 27: ...A u t h e n t i c E x c e l l e n c e S e c t i o n 3 4 T u n e T o t I m p e d a n c e C u r v e 27 Section 3 4 TuneTot Impedance Curve...

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Page 29: ...S e c t i o n 4 T u n e T o t E c o s y s t e m W i l s o n A u d i o S p e c i a l t i e s...

Page 30: ...s an interim isolation platform which is placed between the loudspeaker and the surface below The ISOBase offers unprecedented levels of decoupling and isolation between TuneTot and the structure upon...

Page 31: ...nto each composite frame The grille is installed by aligning the four pins to the four receptacles on the front baffle of TuneTot and gently pushing in until it is secure against the front baffle Sect...

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Page 33: ...S e c t i o n 5 W a r r a n t y W i l s o n A u d i o S p e c i a l t i e s...

Page 34: ...Limited Warranty is also subject to the following conditions and limitations The Limit ed Warranty is void and inapplicable if the product has been used or handled other than in accor dance with the i...

Page 35: ...the Dealer then purchaser may obtain a return authorization from Wilson Audio and at purchaser s expense return the product to Wilson Audio where the defect will be rectified without charge for parts...

Page 36: ...return and filing of completed Warranty Registration at Wilson Audio within 30 days after product delivery to customer and the product was professionally installed by the Wilson Audio Dealer that sol...
