Installation and operating instructions: Wilo-SC-Fire Diesel A2P
“LAMP TEST” (Fig. 2, pos. 19)
If you press this button (level of access 1 required), all the control lamps and the alarm buzzer turn on for the
duration of the actuation, which allows you to check their good functioning. Once the button is released, the
control lamps and the alarm buzzer turn off once again or remain turned on only if the functioning demands
“CLEAR MALFUNCTION” (Fig. 2, pos. 20)
By pressing the button (level of access 2 required), all the error messages/control lamps are reset insofar as
the cause of the error has been eliminated.
“OFF” (Fig. 2, pos. 21)
This button serves to switch off the motor. To do this, at least one of the switches must be in the “0” position.
The motor cannot be switched off if the pressure switch or float switch are not emitting anything. Once the
motor is switched off, the control lamp “ON” turns off (Fig. 2, pos. 3).
“START-UP ATTEMPT BUTTON” (Fig. 2, pos. 23)
This attempt button and its control lamp (Fig. 2, pos. 22) are intended for the manual and regular test of the
electric start-up device. The button is used when an automatic motor start-up has taken place followed by a
manual stop, and following six consecutive failed start-up attempts. For these two operation statuses, the
control lamp turns on and the button must be pressed.
6.2.3 Display elements of the switchgear
“LIVE” (Fig. 2, pos. 1)
The control lamp turns on green as soon as the power supply is established.
“MAINS MALFUNCTION” (Fig. 2, pos. 2)
In case of malfunction in the level of connection voltage (charger, heating) or inactive switch, the LED turns on
yellow with a follow-up time of 180 seconds.
“RUNNING” (Fig. 2, pos. 3)
The control lamp turns on green as soon as the diesel motor starts and when the rotation speed increased by
the rotation speed sensor has reached or exceeded the value pre-set for “motor in operation” (menu
“SYSTEM MALFUNCTION” (Fig.2, pos. 4)
The yellow LED signals a software malfunction if the communication between the “printed circuit board I/O” and
the 2 printed circuit boards “SC controller” is interrupted or if the software routine (the programme) does not
function correctly.
“START-UP FAILURE” (Fig. 2, pos. 5)
The control lamp turns on red following six consecutive failed start-up attempts.
The measurement of the differential pressure at the filter level has detected a clogged filter. This malfunction is
thus signalled by the LED turning on red.
“STARTER MALFUNCTION” (Fig. 2, pos. 7)
As soon as the switchgear no longer receives a response from the starter, the LED turns on red.