Use a smoke pellet prior to the appliance installaon to ensure the viability of
the flue and check that the smoke can be seen being emiMed from the terminal /
chimney pot outside. There must be no leakage of smoke through the structure of
the chimney/flue during or aer the smoke pellet test and it is important to check
inside upstairs rooms adjacent to the chimney / flue. Check the chimney pot /
terminal and general condion of the brickwork or masonry. If the chimney or flue is
in poor condion or if there is no up-draught do not proceed with the installaon. If
there is a history of down-draught condions with the chimney / flue, the installaon
of a tested and cerficated flue terminal or cowl suitable for the relevant flue type
should be considered.
The following drawing shows the appliance dimensions. Note: if calculang
chamber sizes and minimum clearances regarding side clearances shown on the next
page, appliance width should be taken as 436mm
The Flue
This appliance must stand on a non combusble hearth with a minimum
thickness of 12mm. The hearth must protrude a minimum of 50mm to the le and to
right of the appliance and at least 150mm in front of the appliance.
Building regulaons do allow for a minimum of 50mm protrusion for each of these
dimensions, however we recommend the values stated above to provide a
reasonable physical boundary from the appliance due to high temperatures of
working surfaces, such as the glass panel.