Next to the normal color operation mode in HSDSI (4:2:2), Cunima MCU[2] offers an uncompressed
RAW format.
There are following modes:
4.6.1. Color Mode
This is the standard mode. The camera starts in this one and is mainly used this way. At the exit of the
camera is a HDSDI signal in 4:2:2 compression. Recommended for broadcast applications.
4.6.2. RAW Format
In this mode, you get a special format with 12Bit data in a 20Bit data stream at the HDSDI exit. This
data can be recorded
– with equipped recorders like the Megacine from MikroM – and converted in
12Bit/16Bit image data. Therefore you get a completely uncompressed video signal, which is
especially useful for special effects (keying and compositing) and for inserts in film material.
With the RAW format, an additional stop contrast range is added to the image.
Cunima MCU[2] supports all current broadcast-formats and several cinema formats.
The camera can be used worldwide and support all common framerates.
A distinctive feature is the display of these modes, because all scanning modes are based upon native
scans. So it does not scale the images and in smaller resolutions than 1080i, only a window of the
sensor is used. The CMOS sensor offers up to 2k resolution.
This way, it is possible to make images without scaling and the associated time loss and no need for
an external camera control unit (CCU) available.