conditions the actual pressure in the steam chest is a great deal less than that in the generator. Only when the throttle
is opened rapidly or when climbing a hill does the pressure within the steam chest even approach that of the
generator. On the new model engine the valve stem stuffing boxes are subject only to the exhaust pressure of their
respective cylinders.
Probably enough has been said about the proper handling of the throttle on a Steam Car. The explosive
engine attains its working speed before the car is started to move, but the steam motor must start the car while it is
starting itself. In this fact lies the difference between the two in regard to the damage which may be done by applying
the power too rapidly. At any rate, the more recklessly the throttle is used the sooner the stuffing boxes will start to
leak. This is true in regard to opening the throttle without pressing down the simpling pedal or with the reverse on
center. Hence our caution mentioned above--"If the engine refuses to start promptly close the throttle and find out
why it does not."