Avoid racing engine when steaming up car. The steam pressure rises no faster by so doing.
Run engine slowly, with simpling pedal pressed down, until all water is out of cylinders. This will save many
connecting rods and cylinder heads.
To loosen stubborn steam line unions hold a heavy hammer squarely against one face and tap the opposite
side with a light hammer. Repeat this for all faces. Apply kerosene frequently. The worst cases can be loosened this
way until they will turn with an ordinary wrench.
A good prevention for tight steam line unions is an application of a mixture of graphite and oil. Apply same
when putting union together. Do not leave flakes of graphite on the ground faces as they may cause the joint to leak.
To locate a leak in the air system,
make a thick soap suds and apply with a brush. Any leak will create a mass
of bubbles.
If vaporizer screws loosen easily, but refuse to come out, do not attempt to force them. Saturate with
kerosene and twist back and forth a few times. Presently they will remove easily. The accumulation of carbon on the
end threads inside causes them to bind. The kerosene loosens this and permits the screw to turn outward.
Keep engine simpled when maneuvering in close quarters. It handles better. Also remember to close throttle
an instant before applying brakes.
Make it a habit to steer with the left hand and handle the throttle with the right. Practice opening and closing
the latter with a wrist movement. Much closer results can be obtained than by pulling on the wheel.
If gears bind and refuse to shift after stopping car, it is caused by steam trapped in the steam chest. Throw
reverse lever to reverse, and then to center position. This relieves the twisting strain on the driving shaft and gears
will slip out of mesh easily. There is no occasion for applying force to gear lever.
Open steam blow-off valve before turning on fuel when steaming up a cold car. The pressure rises very
rapidly with a generator full of cold water and may rise excessively before the valve can be opened. The latter is
especially true in case the valve sticks and refuses to open readily.
In steaming up be sure vaporizer is sufficiently heated before turning on fuel, and avoid a backfire. Usually
when vaporizer outlet pipe is hot to the touch just outside the generator casing, the vaporizer proper is heated enough
to turn on the fuel. Open and close the feed valve at intervals of three to five seconds until dry gas is coming from
vaporizer nozzle.
To loosen brass union nuts, apply a wrench and jar same with the hand. They loosen much easier this way
than by a steady pull. In putting same together, there is no necessity for great tightness as all joints are ground to a fit.
Avoid putting strains on piping and unions without holding in the opposite direction with an extra wrench.
Soap is a good emergency packing for gasoline joints.
Change any rubber hose as soon as it becomes soft and flabby. Pay no attention to water, as to whether it is
hard or soft, but allow no water containing sand or mud to be used. Sand will pit the pump checks and cut the walls of
the flow motor cylinder.
Keep brakes in good condition. The time comes to every one, sooner or later, when they will need a good set
of brakes badly.
Form the habit of filling the water tank each morning, even though it takes only a gallon or so.