Manual Version 1.3.1
Manual Part# 18200-LM-0038
fiber-optic sensors. After the fiber-optic sensors have been calibrated, switch the operation mode
out of Simulation mode.
System experimentation
: When no pump is connected to the CPT-1 simulation mode can be used
to simulate how the system would operate if the pump were running at a set speed. Simulation
mode is ideal for testing that the connections are wired correctly, and for verifying how the tool will
react to different cycle rates without actually swapping out different pumps.
: Simulation mode should never be used for long term operation of a pump. This will result
in premature damage to the pump.
End Stroke Mode
– End Stroke mode sends out a signal to open a valve that will cause one side of the
pump to pressurize and will wait for an end of stroke signal before switching to the other side. End Stroke
mode is recommended for applications where cycle rates may fluctuate due to variance in air supply
pressure. When operating a shuttle pump, it is required to use End Stroke mode.
End Stroke/Timer
– End Stroke/Timer mode sends out a signal to open a valve that will cause one side of
the pump to pressurize and when either the cycle timer or the end stroke is detected then the pressure will
switch to the other side. This is a specialized operation mode that is ideal for systems that expect the set
cycle rate to occur. This mode will also help protect the pump if an end detect sensor fails. This mode is
not for shuttle-operated pumps.
Cycle Rate:
The cycle rate sets the default cycle rate. When the system turns on, it will start up with the default
cycle rate, and if the operation mode is set to End Stroke/Timer mode, this cycle rate will be forced as the slowest
cycle rate allowed by the system.
Scale Value:
The scale value changes the speed of the converted signal back to the tool. The number represents
the ratio [Converted Cycle Rate] / [Actual Cycle Rate], thus if the scale is greater than one, the converted cycle rate
will be faster than the actual cycle rate. If the scale is less than one, the emulated cycle rate will be slower than the
actual cycle rate.
Output Percent
: The output percent changes the duration of the converted signal as a percent of its duration. For
example if the signal should stay on until the signal from the opposite side turns on, set the output percent to 100%,
or if the signal should turn off shortly after turning on, set the percentage to a smaller value. Some experimentation
may be necessary to determine what output duration the tool’s algorithm is expecting.
Off Delay:
The CPT-1 expects either the right or left remote signal from the tool to be on. In some cases there may
be a delay between the signal switching. The off delay will keep the system on for a set time without any signal
being sent. The default setting is one second, but can be changed from the user interface.
Dual Detect Mode:
For the majority of pumps this mode should be turned off. This mode should only be turned on
in two cases:
A single probe dual detect pump is to be operated.
In this case it is recommended that the CPT-1’s
operation mode also be set to End Stroke/Timer mode; this is recommended because it will prevent the
pump from getting out of sync in its oscillations when the pump is at dead head. Thus it is also
recommended that the cycle rate variable be set to a slower than the normal operation cycle rate so that
timer doesn’t affect normal operation.
A pressure switch is being used for end of stroke sensing where a double signal is being detected.
A double signal may be seen if the pressure switch is connected to an exhaust port. In this case the dual
detect mode will only count every other signal as an end of cycle signal.
Leak Alarm:
When connecting leak detect through the CPT-1, the leak alarm will light up when leaks are detected
and the pump will turn off. In order to turn the pump back on, the leak reset needs to be sent.
Over Speed/Under Speed Alarms:
These alarms can be configured in the alarm settings. The following describe
the alarm settings that can be configured.
Enabled – If alarm is enabled then the alarm is allowed to occur, if disabled then the alarm will never occur.
Threshold – The cycle rate that if passed the alarm will occur.