013-03 - Gas pasta cooker
Giving the appliance a thorough clean every day (after tur-
ning it off) will keep it in perfect working order and make it
last longer.
Daily cleaning
Frequently clean the surfaces using a damp cloth; water
and soap or common detergents may be used provided
do not contain abrasives or chlorine-based sub-
, such as sodium hypochlorite (bleach), hydroch-
loric acid (muriatic acid), or other solutions: stainless steel
is quickly and irreversibly corroded by these products.
Under no circumstances use the above-mentioned pro-
ducts to clean the floor under the equipment or nearby, as
fumes or any drops may produce similar destructive ef-
fects on the steel.
Only rub in the direction of the satin finish.
Rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry carefully.
Never use running water, as this could infiltrate into the in-
ner parts.
Food stains and encrusted food particles:
wash with hot water before they harden. Should food par-
ticles have already become hard, use water and soap or
chlorine-free detergents, if necessary using a wooden
spatula or fine stainless steel wool: rinse and dry thorou-
Scale encrustations:
scale deposits on the bottom of tanks, pans, etc. should
be removed using descaling products on the market and
following the relative instructions.
should the surfaces become scratched, they must be
smoothed using extra fine stainless steel wool or abrasive
sponges made of fibrous synthetic material, rubbing in the
direction of the satin finish. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
Never use wire wool for cleaning stainless steel or leave it
in contact with the steel, as very small ferrous deposits
could remain on the surface and cause the formation of ru-
st by contamination.
Precautions during use
Sauces and condiments:
all the stainless steel containers used for notoriously acid
ingredients (vinegar, salt, lemon juice, tomatoes, etc.)
should be thoroughly washed to remove any residue.
In particular salt solutions should not be left to evaporate
or dry on the stainless steel surface.
Never use coarse cooking salt which, being heavy, depo-
sits on the bottom without dissolving completely and over
a period of time can therefore cause points of contact with
consequent corrosion.
It is therefore advisable to add salt in small amounts to wa-
ter which is already boiling, or to dissolve it in a separate
container; never add it to cold water in the tanks and cer-
tainly never put it into an empty tank.
Whenever the tanks are not being used, they should prefe-
rably remain uncovered.
Protection of stainless steel
Should the equipment not be used for a certain period of
time, clean the external stainless steel surfaces and when
they are completely dry, protect by spreading over them a
thin film of vaseline oil, or better still specific products to
be found on the market.
Apart from giving the steel a uniform, polished appearan-
ce, these products prevent penetration of humidity and
dirt which can also cause corrosion.
These products, basically consisting of a mixture of oily
substances and detergents, are now available in easy-to-
use, practical spray cans.