Rev. 5.0 (201912)
Operating instructions
Glass washing dishwasher (option)
The control panel has three programme buttons P1 (1), P2 (2) and P3 (3).
P1=Beer glasses
P2=Standard glasses
P3=Wine glasses
The washing temperature and chemical washing time for each programme is set
on delivery.
When the door is closed, select a programme. The symbol for the selected pro-
gramme is lit and the machine starts immediately.
It is possible to set the machine for continuous operation, keep the desired pro-
gramme button pressed for approx. 5 seconds on the display’s middle section un-
til the symbol is shown that indicates that this has been chosen. On the panel’s
“wash” side the symbol is shown for automatic operation. The programme selec-
tion button for the selected programme is lit. When the door is closed, the washing
starts again immediately. To return to “normal” operation, press one of the pro-
gramme selection buttons that are not lit.