4.2 Water supply for eye showers
The FAR eye showers are connected with the wall flange, the table mounting accessories or
the water supply, which is provided for it.
5. Safety labelling
The enclosed safety label (self-adhesive information sign) should be affixed beside the FAR
eye shower.
6. Location
The location must be selected in accordance with regulation BGI/GUV-I 850-0 of the BG
Chemie. Access must be kept free at all times. Special attention should be given to selecting
a place which can be reached quickly from hazard areas. The injured person must be able
to reach the shower within a maximum of 10 seconds. This necessitates installation at a
distance of no more than 10 meters from the work place.
7. Operating
7.1 Operating of hand-held eye showers
Commissioning the FAR hand-held eye shower is carried out by pressing the button on the
handle. This locks the button in the open position. To switch off the shower, press the button
again while pulling down the locking device.
When suitably mounted, the FAR hand-held eye shower can be operated both in and out of
the bracket (table feed-through, wall bracket). Operating the shower in the holder makes it
possible to hold open the lids of the contaminated eyes with both hands at the same time.
The shower can also be removed from the bracket. This allows other body parts or an injured
person on the floor to be treated.
7.2 Operating of eye showers
Commissioning the FAR eye shower is carried out by pressing the big PUSH lever. This locks
the PUSH lever in the open position. To switch off the shower, pull back the PUSH lever.
7.3 Eyewash in First-Aid-Case
The eye shower should not come into direct contact with the contaminated eye or its
surroundings. The black rubber cup on the shower is only intended to prevent impact injuries.
Optimum rinsing is achieved at a distance of approx. 150 mm. At this distance, the diameter
of the spray cone is approx. 80 mm. To use the shower, it is advisable to hold the eye open
with both hands.
7.4 Self-draining of spray heads
The spray head / spray heads must be emptied each time after use by holding the shower
with the head pointing downwards. This avoids standing water remaining in the spray head
and minimizes the likelihood of microbial contamination.
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