Sit on the seat, facing the pedals. Place your feet in
the pedals and adjust the straps to fit your feet. Hold
the handle with an overhand grip. Correct rowing
form consists of three phases:
1. The first phase is the catch. Slide the seat forward
until your knees are almost touching your chest.
2. The second phase is the drive. Push backward
using your legs. Keep your back straight. Lean back
slightly at the hips (not at the waist) and begin pulling
the handle toward your chest. Keep your elbows
3. The third phase is the finish. Your legs should be
almost extended, straight. Continue to pull the handle
until your hands are even with your chest. After the
finish phase, extend your arms forward and
pull the seat forward using your legs. Repeat, moving
through all three phases with a smooth, fluid motion.
Remember to breathe normally as you row—never
hold your breath.