Page content
Depending on which category is selected in the menu at the left-hand side of the page, respective page content
appears here.
Category selection
The settings are subdivided into the following categories:
General device information:
Overview page with general information regarding the sensor as a
display without any setting options.
Device settings:
– The sensor’s network settings (see section 9.2)
– The sensor’s measured value settings (see section 9.2)
– General settings (see section 9.2)
I/O settings:
Settings for the digital inputs and outputs (see section 9.3)
9.2. Device Settings (website)
1. Network settings
The IP address and the addresses for the subnet mask and the gateway can be changed in the respective
fields. Changes are activated by entering the “admin” password and by restarting the device. Please make sure
that the selected subnet mask is actually available within the network. Otherwise you might not be able to find
the sensor in the network.
2. Measured value settings
Evaluation method: functions description (see section “8. Function Descriptions” on page 16)
Average filter:
Adjustable, rolling average filter from 1 to 1000 measured values
– The smaller the selected value, the faster the measured value reacts to jumps.