SIP SIP-Phone Administration Guide
: voice packet size can be configured as 20 ms, 40 ms or 60 ms. (only 30 and
60 ms for G.723.1)
: There are four adjustable volume: voice, input, DTMF, and ring volume.
Voice means the volume SIP-Phone receives; input means the volume SIP-Phone
transmit; DTMF means the DTMF volume send from SIP-Phone (when DTMF type
set as in-band); ring means the volume of SIP-Phone. (
voice –volume
voice/input/dtmf/ring “value of volume”
If value of volume set as 0 means –32db, 1 means –31db…etc.
: enable or disable sound compression and comfort noise generation. It is
only for codec G.723.1. (0 for off, 1 for on)
9. [ddns] command
This function is for Dynamic Domain Name Server service. Once user register to the
DDNS server, he can specify domain name for the SIP-Phone. When SIP-Phone
change IP address, it will automatically update it’s IP address to DDNS server. In this
way, even SIP Phone is using dynamic IP address, other endpoints can locate this SIP
Phone by its domain name.
then following figure will be shown.
The dynamic DNS service information and configuration
-print Display Dynamic DNS information and configuration
-enable 1:Enabled/0:Disable the dynamic DNS service
-server DDNS server address
-hostname Registered domain name
-id Registered account ID
-passwd Registered account password
-checkip 1:Enabled/0:Disable check the host current IP address
-checkipsrv1 IP address check server
-checkipsrv2 Secondary IP address check server
-update Service update time.(1-59 minutes, 1-24 hours)
-force Force updating IP on the dynamic DNS server
ddns -print
ddns -enable 1