WellGate 3511N Technical Manual EN-V100
Copyright © 2007 Welltech Computer Co., Ltd. All right reserved.
SSID: specify to the WG3511N an SSID (Service Set Identifier), which is a unique identifier
attached to packets over WLAN. The SSID is up to 32 ASCII characters that differentiate the
WG3511N from other WiFi AP, and it is also referred to as the ESSID (Extended Service Set
Identifier). You may use the default SSID unless there more than one WG3511N in the same
area. In this case, you should specify different SSID for each WG3511N.
Channel Number: Set channel for wireless connection. You can set channel for radio
communication manually. If you set it as Auto, the WG3511N will select a clear channel during
boot up.
Associated Clients: Press Show Active Clients to see which client registers on this WG3511N.
Enable Universal Repeater Mode (Acting as AP and client simultaneously): Enable this
feature will perform WG3511N to work as Universal Repeater.
SSID of Extended Interface: User could input SSID of Extended Interface here if Universal
Repeater is enabled.
Disable WiFi Activation Schedule: Wifi Activation schedule is used for energy saving (green
feature) which allows to turn off the wifi RF and feature based on the preset week daytime.
When hardware Wifi switch is switch off, the Wifi Activation Schedule will be ignore. It only
works when Wifi switch is turned ON.
Active time: The time to turn on the Wifi RF and feature (24 hours format)
End time: The time to turn off the Wifi RF and feature (24 hours format)
For more information regarding WDS, AP+WDS and Universal Repeater mode, please refer
to Chapter 4 Wireless Operation Modes.