Interface), you can check SYSTEM information of the modem by the following
W e l + 8 0 1 0 S > c h i p s i n f o
Wel+8010S ADSL Modem version (25 July 2001)
Machine Name: Wel+8010S
MAC address: 0:20:2b:0:55:20
In this version string, of the front part refers to the ATMOS version of
available OS, 4.6.4 refers to a bsp s/w version of the ADSL chips, and 1.3.5b refers
to a firmware version of the ADSL chipset.
Using Webconsole, you can check the SYSTEM Information of the modem by selecting
“STATUS”/”System info” of the starting menu.
Ⅲ . C o n f i g u r a t i o n o f W e l + 8 0 1 0 S
3 . 1 C h a n g i n g W e l + 8 0 1 0 S A D S L M o d e
Using CLI(Command Line Interface), you can select a specific ADSL Mode with the
following commands.
W e l + 8 0 1 0 S > b s p g d m t
ADSL Mode is now Gdmt (0x00000002)
W e l + 8 0 1 0 S > c o n f i g s a v e
Saving configuration...Configuration saved.
W e l + 8 0 1 0 S > r e s t a r t