In the mode of PPPoA Routed, the
modem has two subnet for LAN and
WAN, each.
LAN IP address and Netmask take a
role as a gateway for LAN and
construct Private Subnet in case of
using NAT.
For setting as PPPoA Routed, you
need to have the information for
VPI(Virtual Path Identifier)/VCI(Virtual Channel Identifier) from ISP.
The range of VPI value is from 0 to 4095,
and the range of VCI value is from 1 to 65535.
As well, you need to select a proper Data Encapsulation Method.
IP of WAN is assigned from CO automatically through the authentication. In this case,
required User ID and Password are given from the ISP.
If you want to set up LAN as a Private Subnet, you should make the NAT enable. If
you make the Primary DNS Relay Enable, the modem acts as a DNS client. In this
case, DNS IP is assigned automatically and it is relayed to PC.
At the side of PC, modem act like a DNS Server, so you can use the Modem LAN IP as
DNS Server IP.
3 . 2 . 4 P P P o A B r i d g e d M o d e ( R F C 2 3 6 4 )
Using CLI(Command Line Interface), you can change the protocol of the modem to
PPPoA Bridge mode by the following steps.
At terminal Console Screen:
Remove all of the existing module devices