The ACDCTIG200 welder front panel is designed to be intuitive and easy to use while offering a wide variety of advanced
function settings. As a result of the many options the user has at his or her disposal, the Main Control Knob is designed to be a
“multi-function” knob capable of setting many parameters.
At the top of the front panel and to the immediate right side of the digital numeric display you will find four (4) LED lights, each
of which designate the current mode that the welder is in. Regardless of which mode the welder is currently in, the “Multi-
Function” knob controls all the settings of those modes. The four (4) LED lights represent the following values for adjustment.
From left to right and from top to bottom, those modes are…. A= Amps, %= percent, S= seconds, HZ= Hertz. As you touch
the menu buttons on either side of the welder’s face, you will toggle along the graph line from left to right or right to left among
the various options. When doing so, the LED mode lights will change and light up to represent the current numeric display
value settings.
Below is a brief description of what each TIG function is used for.
Broken up into three horizontal rows, the top row from left to right represents 1. Welding mode MMA ( which is stick welding)
or TIG which is Tungsten Inert Gas welding mode. Next is the digital display panel explained above. Next, the O.C light which
designates an over temp condition which requires waiting and possibly rebooting the system. Lastly, the REM remote light
lights with use of the foot pedal.
Along the middle / center row of functions you will find a selection of all the advanced features of the TIGACDC200GD machine.
At each end of the center row you will find a menu button. Depending on how far along the line of options you are, you can click
either menu button to proceed left to right or right to left.
Some of the functions are not necessary when using the foot pedal controller because the user has complete control some of
these options with that foot pedal. These functions are as follows, and will be explained in further detail later. START AMPS,
UP SLOPE, DOWN SLOPE, END AMPS. When using the foot pedal it is recommended given the choice to lower these values to
zero since the user can use the foot pedal rheostat to control every one of those settings in real time while welding.
Preflow is the time in seconds that Argon gas will flow prior the TIG arc being initiated. The purpose of preflow is to insure
the area to be welded is protected from the outside environment and air before actual welding begins. This prevents
contamination of the weld zone.
When using the foot pedal, a tap of the pedal prior to positioning yourself for weld will help purge the Argon line if the welder
has been idle for any period of time and if the TIG torch is directed at the work area, it will shield that are from the environment
prior to welding.
When using the TIG Torch trigger, the user cannot directly modulate current as they can with the foot pedal, although
techniques are available to simulate this given some practice. They will also be discussed. This is where the Preflow, Start Amp
and Up Slope features come in very handy.
When initiating the weld often, if not always, the user wants to gently “ramp up” to full current rather than shock the work
instantly. The Start Amp feature allows the user to set the amperage at the initial start of the arc. The Up Slope function allows
the user to set the time period in seconds it will take the current to reach full amperage. The “Full Amperage” will be the Peak
Amps. Conversely, when the weld is being terminated ( while using the TIG Trigger Button) the Down Slope, End Amps, and
Post Flow functions are able to be set to finish the weld.